Robert McConnell Glen Piper

This seems to be a rather unknown mixture. If you like VaPers like Rattray’s Marlin Flake, you should try it. Reviews tend to call it an aromatic, I would classify it as a VaPer with some fruity aroma, although there’s some Kentucky, so one may relate it to Hal O’The Wynd instead.*
I had that tin in storage for 2.5 years, and tried the first sample in a Savinelli Churchwarden (model 601): Ideal moisture content in the tin. This is a nice looking and appetizing rubbed out / broken flake. Needed only one match. There’s no bite at all, even during the initial light or harder drawing no sign of it. Sweet, similar to Marlin Flake, but I find it rounder, with more body, more fruity and more aromatic. Very good and cool burn, the temperature is well-regulatable, one can slow down and speed up to gusto. Just the right strength. The flavouring/aroma is very well integrated and not artificial. It’s supposedly rum and chocolate, but I find it fruity in a cliché pipe sort of way. With time more smoky Virginias. Smell is sweet and fruity and the room note seems to be cliché pipey (it also disappears quickly, there’s no ashy or unpleasant aftersmell). Quite ideal, very relaxing.

Another time in a short Savinelli Poker: The base aroma is that of a stoved Virginia. Positively mild with good body and not weak or lacking (in principle it has a strength rating of 4 out of 5 on the blenders scale). Very smooth, perfect burn, easy to regulate, burns the whole time cool and steady. Very relaxing, it doesn’t need much attention, there’s no rush. White ashes. Aftersmell is light and a bit spicy, not cigarettish or ashy. The aftertaste is sweet and portwinish.

*For comparison purposes, I added some fire-cured Kentucky to Marlin Flake, and indeed they are even more similar that way.

Robert McConnell Glen Piper


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Garden photography, botanical art and horticulture.